Become or Remain a Digital Certificate User
Become or Remain a Digital Certificate User
To become or remain a Digital Certificate User, you will need to provide proof of identification. This can be either a driving licence or passport and in some cases more than one document will be required. You will also need to take and upload a live photo of yourself. Your photo will be compared against the photo on your identification document.Your details will also be checked against public databases (including sanctioned person databases) to obtain other information about you that is relevant to your application. The manner in which your details, identification document(s) and photo will be processed and stored as set out in the AWG Privacy Policy and the Fexco Privacy Policy.
You can upload your identification document(s) and your photo in less than 1 minute using ID-PAL, an ID verification app which can be downloaded to your mobile phone or smart device for free. The ID verification app is simple and intuitive, and allows you to capture and submit your ID documentation and photo in a few minutes using your mobile phone or smart device from anywhere and at any time.
Important information about the verification process:
- Fee. You will need to pay the applicable fee before your application is finalised. The amount of the fee is described in GATS Schedule of Fees which you can view by clicking here. The application fee is non-refundable even if your application is not successful.
- Identification Document. Your identification document must display your name and other details using the modern Latin alphabet (i.e. it must not be written exclusively in, for example, Cyrillic or Arabic script).
- Your Name. You application to become or remain a Digital Certificate User will not be successful unless your first and last name, as it currently appears on the GATS Platform, matches exactly the first and last name on your identification document. If you are currently a Basic User and need to change your first and last name, please email the GATS helpdesk at [email protected] or call the GATS helpdesk using one of the contact numbers at the bottom of this page.
- First email, from ID-PAL. After you have scanned your identification document and taken your photo using the ID verification app, you will receive an email from ID-Pal (from [email protected]) confirming that you have ‘successfully submitted your client due diligence information’. This means that your identification document and photo have been uploaded to the GATS Platform.
- Second email, from the GATS Platform. Once your details have been checked, we will send you another email (from [email protected]) within 24 hours informing you whether your application has been successful and outlining the next steps to be able to access the GATS Platform as a Digital Certificate User.
- Further Assistance. The GATS helpdesk will contact you if there are any issues with your identity verification or if further documentation is required. If you require assistance please email the GATS helpdesk at [email protected] or call the GATS helpdesk using one of the contact numbers at the bottom of this page.
You must download the ID verification app by clicking the link we send you, either by email or to your mobile phone.